Now a fun little rant on the problems with power-point technical presentations.
Problem of the Day: Capacitor Prank
Here is a problem to test your knowledge of time-domain transmission lines and classical electromagnetics.
Solution: [Read more…]
Proceedings of the 2011 GT Space-Solar Power Workshop
MPTS Proceedings 2011Proceedings of the 2011 Microwave Power Transfer Symposium, Georgia Tech Campus
15 December 2011
This was our first foray into space solar power. Teaming up with Darel Preble of the Space Solar Power Institute and Frank Little of Texas A&M, the 2011 ECE 6390 Satcom students put on a fantastic show of their work.
Chaos on Transmission Lines
Buried in the time domain instructional series on the YouTube channel is one of my favorite lectures on nonlinear transmission line loads. The last portion of this lecture is original content on time-domain transmission lines terminated with nonlinear, active loads such as tunnel diodes. Even a transmission line can generate a chaotic bifurcation diagram.