Here is a problem to test your knowledge of time-domain transmission lines and classical electromagnetics.
Solution: [Read more…]
Georgia Tech ECE Research Group
Posted on Written by Gregory Durgin
Here is a problem to test your knowledge of time-domain transmission lines and classical electromagnetics.
Solution: [Read more…]
Posted on Written by Gregory Durgin
Blake Marshall defended his PhD dissertation entitled, “STAGGERED PATTERN ENERGY HARVESTING AND RETRO-DIRECTIVE BACKSCATTER FOR PASSIVE RFID TAGS” on Thursday, 12 December 2017. This work invented a new class of antenna structures that exhibit retrodirectivity and optimal energy harvesting parameters. Such structures are crucial to building next-generation internet-of-things nodes, which can harvest energy and backscatter information with extraordinarily low power. Blake was a graduate of the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and received his MS and PhD with the GTPG. For the last several years, Blake has worked at Apple Computer in the bay area. Somehow, he found time to finish his PhD and have his first child. [Read more…]
Posted on Written by Gregory Durgin
Stephen M. Dumas; T. Alan Lovell; Andrew J. Sinclair; Gregory D. Durgin
2017 IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE)
This article analyzes the ranging errors in a new type of satellite ranging configuration: a system where a moving constellation of small satellites (e.g. cubesats) track other moving space-based targets. This work was sponsored by AFRL and performed in conjunction with Kirtland Air Force Base.
Posted on Written by Gregory Durgin
Congratulations to Jacob Schodowski for completing his MS-ECE. Jake did some outstanding research this year on mm-wave array designs for satellite systems. He will join a local microwave design company, Atlanta Micro. Thanks for all your hard work.